is the executive director of Play On Shakespeare. During her 25 years at the Oregon Shakespeare Festival, Douthit oversaw a full service literary department as Director of Literary Development and Dramaturgy. Play on! began in 2012 as a pilot program under her supervision. She was the Production Dramaturg for more than 50 productions, including 15 world premieres. She has also worked on over two dozen Shakespeare productions. She was the co-producer of the Black Swan Lab (2009) and then soon after produced Black Swan Lab (2010-2016). Lue is the recipient of the 1999 Literary Manager & Dramaturgs of the Americas (LMDA) Prize in Dramaturgy and The Elliott Hayes Award. She received her PhD at the University of Washington, her MFA from Trinity University, and her MA from University of Arizona.
Play On Shakespeare: Reflections from the translation project's festival of staged readings
Lue Morgan Douthit
Play On Executive Director Lue Douthit gives remarks before the festival’s first staged reading: The Two Gentlemen of Verona. Lue Morgan Douthit first wrote about the Play on! project (of which she is the executive director) on the Shakespeare &…
How Play on! came to be: The backstory of Oregon Shakespeare Festival's translation project
Lue Morgan Douthit
Lue Morgan Douthit shares the backstory of Oregon Shakespeare Festival’s Play on! project and how the idea of translating Shakespeare’s plays first took shape.
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