Antony and Cleopatra

Farah Karim-Cooper on The Great White Bard
Can we love Shakespeare and be antiracist? Farah Karim-Cooper’s new book explores the language of race and difference in plays such as Antony and Cleopatra, Titus Andronicus, and The Tempest.

Adapting Shakespeare's 'Antony and Cleopatra' for opera
Get an insider’s look at adapting a Shakespeare play for opera with this blog post by the dramaturg and libretto consultant for the new John Adams opera of “Antony and Cleopatra.”

John Adams Gives Antony and Cleopatra the Operatic Treatment
Adams talks with host Barbara Bogaev about how he turned a five-act play into a two-act opera—which scenes got the hook, new lines written in the style of the Bard, and what Shakespeare may have thought of the play’s characters.

The Queen of the Night: The infinite variety of Cleopatra
In the image above, Constance Collier, magnificent as the dying Cleopatra, sits on her throne in a dimly-lit room, light sparkling off her crown, belt and spangled train. This 1906-07 London production of Shakespeare’s Antony and Cleopatra is considered a…

Snakes on a Stage: Behind the Scenes with Tony Koehler
Props master Tony Koehler returns to the Folger Spotlights to talk about the foresight needed to bring a fortune teller to life, how to make a bed (from scratch), and, of course, the trial-and-error involved in creating a number of…

You Can Dance If You Want To: Movement in Antony and Cleopatra
Actor and movement director John Floyd speaks to the Spotlight about how he worked with the cast to create the production’s acclaimed choreography.

Cleopatra and Fake News: How ancient Roman political needs created a mythic temptress
The Roman distaste of powerful women, their misunderstanding of the Egyptian way of life, and Octavian’s political need to consolidate his rise to dictator created our image of Cleopatra today.

As the (Ancient) World Turns: Tony Cisek on designing Antony and Cleopatra's set
Scenic designer Tony Cisek speaks to The Folger Spotlight about his inspirations for Antony and Cleopatra’s set and returning to an in-the-round configuration.

Dramaturg's Notes: Antony and Cleopatra
Before you come see the show, read Folger Dramaturg Michele Osherow’s thoughts on how Shakespeare’s tragedy encompasses the public and private desires of history’s infamous pair of lovers.

Rome’s encounter with Egypt in Antony and Cleopatra
In this excerpt from “Shakespeare’s Roman Trilogy,” Paul Cantor writes about the Romanization of Egypt and the Egyptization of Rome in “Antony and Cleopatra.”

Meet the Cast: Antony and Cleopatra
The cast of Antony and Cleopatra comes together in September, but before they do, let’s meet the talented actors who will be bringing this complex, political romance to the Folger stage in October.

Behind the Camera with Antony and Cleopatra
The sultry D.C. summer is winding down, but things are just heating up at Folger Theatre where we’re preparing for our first show of the season: Shakespeare’s Antony and Cleopatra.