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In anticipation of inclement weather, the Folger will be closing at 5:00pm today. The Folger is always closed on Mondays. Please check back for Tuesday’s hours.

All 18 posts on

The Merchant of Venice

Usury and 'The Merchant of Venice': An excerpt from 'London's Triumph' by Stephen Alford
London's Triumph by Stephen Alford
Shakespeare and Beyond

Usury and 'The Merchant of Venice': An excerpt from 'London's Triumph' by Stephen Alford

Shakespeare & Beyond

This excerpt from “London’s Triumph” by Stephen Alford looks at the Elizabethan understanding of usury, seen through Shakespeare’s “The Merchant of Venice.”

Shakespeare's 'Merchant of Venice': Perpetuating stereotypes or sparking much-needed conversations?
Shylock in District Merchants
Shakespeare and Beyond

Shakespeare's 'Merchant of Venice': Perpetuating stereotypes or sparking much-needed conversations?

Esther French

Matthew Boston (Shylock) in District Merchants, a variation on Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice. Folger Theatre, 2016. Photo by Teresa Wood. Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice ends badly for Shylock, with the court ruling against him and his claim on Antonio’s…

District Merchants Rehearsal Photos
Folger Spotlight

District Merchants Rehearsal Photos

Folger Theatre

The District Merchants team continues to rehearse in preparation for their move to the theater next week. Check out photos from rehearsal below and  join us for this world premiere production. Don’t forget, May 31 is Pay-What-You-Will night – tickets will be distributed at…

Recognizing Shylock’s Humanity in The Merchant of Venice
Teaching Shakespeare

Recognizing Shylock’s Humanity in The Merchant of Venice


“I don’t have to condone it to understand it. The pain that people feel is real.”   While most watched DeRay McKesson, Baltimore native and #blacklivesmatter activist, deliver these words in April 2015 (describing the unrest that occurred shortly after…

Shakespeare in the Caribbean
Shakespeare and Beyond

Shakespeare in the Caribbean

Esther French

Roxi Victorian as Hero (center) with the cast of Folger Theatre’s Much Ado About Nothing, a 2009 production inspired by the D.C. Caribbean Carnival. Photo by Carol Pratt. As you’ll hear in this episode of the Folger’s Shakespeare Unlimited podcast, Shakespeare…

Ira Glass: "Shakespeare S*cks???"
Folger Spotlight

Ira Glass: "Shakespeare S*cks???"

Louis Butelli

Your friendly neighborhood blogger, Louis Butelli. Hello once again from your friend Louis Butelli. The folks here at the Folger Production Diary have asked me to contribute some late summer entries before rehearsals begin for the Folger’s upcoming production of…

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