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King John - Act 3, scene 2Act 3, scene 2
Scene 2
The Bastard, having killed the Duke of Austria, reports that he has rescued Queen Eleanor. Arthur, captured by John, is turned over to Hubert’s care.
Alarums, excursions.Enter Bastard with Austria’s head.
1273 Now, by my life, this day grows wondrous hot.
1274 Some airy devil hovers in the sky
1275 And pours down mischief. Austria’s head lie there,
1276 While Philip breathes.
Enter ⌜King⌝ John, Arthur, Hubert.KING JOHN
1277 5 Hubert, keep this boy.—Philip, make up.
1278 My mother is assailèd in our tent
1279 And ta’en, I fear.
BASTARD 1280 My lord, I rescued her.
1281 Her Highness is in safety, fear you not.
1282 10 But on, my liege, for very little pains
1283 Will bring this labor to an happy end.
⌜They⌝ exit.